The Proposal of Shanghai MSA on Body Worn Camera was Adopted by IMO


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At the 7th International Maritime Organization (IMO) workshop for Port State Control (PSC), the proposal about application of body-worn camera in PSC raised by Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) was adopted. The agenda in the future should include discussion on the use of body cameras by PSC officers.

MSA of Yangshan Port, Shanghai started to use Pe body worn cameras three years ago with the purpose of regulate law enforcement activities. PSC officers use the body camera to record the video during their inspection process, in order to decrease the disagreements, disputes and complaints. This has been proved as a effective method to boost collaboration, harmonization and information sharing.

The promotion of the application of body camera by Shanghai MSA to IMO reflects the recognition of Pe body worn camera by maritime department. We are so proud of being a part of important government security projects, and will keep providing the best products and services in the future.

3 Million Strong Can't be Wrong

We partner with over 35,000 law enforcement agencies, with 3,000,000 body cameras deployed in the field.